Sexual Harassment Defense - Moody Law Firm
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Sexual Harassment Defense

Defense From Unfounded Sexual Harassment Claims

In the current social and cultural environment, sexual harassment cases are a growing threat to business. These laws thankfully protect individuals that have been sexually abused or harassed. However, they are often filed in Federal Court or by lawyers that specialize in these matters. The cases are sensitive and difficult and can be emotional for all involved.


The Moody Law Firm has a long and successful history of defending these cases for businesses and Government Bodies. We have in place strategies and knowledge to help you conclude these cases quickly and reasonably. We can also provide training and advice to your business about how to avoid these unpleasant cases.


Our lawyers have decades of experience in State and Federal Court defending businesses and individuals that have been sued for Sexual Harassment. Many of these cases are tried before juries.


The Moody Law Firm has 40 years of experience successfully trying Jury cases in State and Federal Court all over the State of Louisiana. We are admitted in the Eastern, Middle, and Western District Federal Courts and have argued cases in the Federal 5th Circuit Court of Appeals.


Many Louisiana lawyers lack the jury and Federal Court experience to handle the defense of these matters. Our lawyers are up to speed on the subject matter and you will not pay to for us to get up to speed on research or strategy.

Sexual Harassment Defense

Contact The Moody Law Firm today at 985-542-1351.