Overtime Pay Violations Defense - Moody Law Firm
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Overtime Pay Violations Defense

Defense Against Federal Overtime Pay Law Complaints In Federal Court.

The Federal Overtime Pay Law is complicated and difficult to understand. There has been a rash of Federal Lawsuits filed by individuals or groups against businesses of all sizes. Very often the first notice a business gets of a possible overtime violation is a Complaint in Federal Court.


The Moody Law Firm has represented large Corporations, Government Bodies, and small businesses who have been the target of these claims. These cases are usually filed by lawyers that concentrate on attacking defendants that are not in strict compliance with the Overtime Law.


Our firm has developed strategies to defend these claims efficiently and at a reasonable cost. We can also help companies to avoid these claims. You will not have to pay for our lawyers to learn this body of law or to develop a defense strategy. We have that in place already! Don’t pay for a lawyer to learn at your expense.


It is also imperative that any lawyer defending these Overtime Pay claims have Federal Court experience. Our lawyers have 40 years of defending these claims in Federal Court. Hire lawyers that have the experience in these complicated Overtime Cases. Call today for a free consultation.

Federal Overtime Law Violations Defense

Contact The Moody Law Firm today at 985-542-1351.